European University Cyprus

Prof. Charis Xinari
Charis Xinari holds a PhD and an MSc in English Literature from The University of Edinburgh, and a B.A. in English Language and Literature from the University of Cyprus. Her doctoral dissertation examines the matter of gender embodiment in transgender narratives aiming to discuss the materiality of gender performances. She has taught at the University of Edinburgh, the University of Cyprus, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the European University Cyprus where she is currently Associate Professor in Critical and Cultural Theory, and Chairperson of the Department of Humanities.

Georgia Charalambous
Georgia Charalambous is a researcher and trainer currently working as a Prevention Officer for Cyprus Family Planning Association. She is also a PhD candidate, studying homophobia and transphobia in education. Her fields of expertise include sexuality, LGBTQI rights, homophobia/transphobia, sex education, human rights, on which she participated in various conferences, published articles and book chapters, participated in research projects. Georgia worked as a collaborator with ILGA Europe, Accept-CY and the University of Nicosia.